ViennaUP Café Spaces
Make meaningful connections in a truly Viennese environment
Viennese coffee houses are more than just a spot to grab a dose of caffeine. They're an essential part of the city's culture, and unite people from every facet of society. From traditional, wood-panelled institutions to hip, chic hangouts, there’s a Kaffeehaus for everyone, and your ViennaUP wristband gives you access to a selection of participating cafés to work or network over a coffee, tea or soft drink of your choice.

A community of coffee lovers
In the late 17th century, Ottoman influences in Vienna saw coffee houses popping up all over the city. Over the years, they established themselves in society as the meeting places of choice for great minds to philosophise and exchange ideas. They became melting pots of culture and in them the great names of the ages found a home away from home: the legends of literature (like Arthur Schnitzler, Stefan Zweig and Hugo von Hofmannsthal), world-renowned architects (Otto Wagner and Adolf Loos), celebrated artists (Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele) and illustrious thinkers (Sigmund Freud and Leo Trotsky) all frequented their instiutions of choice.

What to drink
Viennese coffee house menus are not for beginners! Coffee is taken seriously here, so be prepared for a seemingly endless selection of coffee - all based on the “Mokka”, a short black coffee. To drink like a local, try a Melange - it's definitely not a cappucino (but pretty similar). Other classics include a “Kleiner Schwarzer”, a short black coffee, a “Kleiner Brauner”, which adds milk, or a Franziskaner, which has both milk and whipped cream. Your coffee will be served with a small glass of water and, if you’re lucky, a serving of Viennese Schmäh (dark, sarcastic wit), which the waiters are renowned for dishing out on occasion.

The original co-working spaces
Nothing goes together likes cafés and Vienna. More than just someplace to eat, drink, or meet people, these charming and cosy spaces are reflections of Viennese society itself. During ViennaUP, be sure to take some time to take advantage of our Café Spaces offer and visit one of our partnering coffee houses - and see what all the fuss is about for yourself.
The ViennaUP Partner Cafés
Each of our partnering cafés offers its own unique flair and charm, offering three different Viennese coffee house experiences.
It doesn't get more classic than this: Café Schwarzenberg offers visitors a traditional coffee house atmosphere, complete with suited waiters and comfy window benches.
Kärntner Ring 17
1010 Wien
A stone's throw from the ViennaUP homebase, the trude & töchter restaurant and café in the newly renovated Wien Museum is effortlessly chic and modern. Both the restaurant (trude) and cafe (& töchter) use high-quality ingredients to serve up classic delights. (Closed on Mondays!)
Karlsplatz 8
1040 Wien
Coffee and plants - what more could we want? Enjoy unprocessed specialty coffee and small, regional dishes whilst surrounded by lovingly curated floral displays at this Specialty-Café-cum-Aperitivo-Bar.
Praterstraße 17
1020 Wien
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